Wardens and Brethren –
Greetings from the East. We have been busy with a lot of diverse activities, and we have a great month ahead of us. Thanks to the efforts of our esteemed Secretary, we marched in the Westerly-Pawcatuck Columbus Day parade along with the Rainbow Girls. It was a three-mile march, but the fine company made for short work of it. It was a pleasure to accompany the Grand Worthy Adviser for RI Rainbow, Miss Morgan Grace, and to hear so many people say “Look, it’s the Masons!” as we passed. If people are interested in continuing this next year, it may be worthwhile to see if Coastal #57 will join ranks with us. Thank you to those who were able to go support W.: Jim Haldeman and the officers of Hope #25 and W.: Randy Joslin and the officers of Charity #23 at their annual communication and installation of officers. It was a pleasure to see the outstanding work of our DDGM, R.:W.: Andre Faria. We joined forces with Charity #23 at our annual luncheon to honor the Special Ladies of our lodges. This small gesture on our part means a lot to the ladies, and our Grand Master was able to stop by! He reminded all assembled of the debts of gratitude owed to those people who enable us to go forth and labor in the quarries on a regular basis. Bro. Brett Marggraff has decorated the lodge with an outstanding display of Halloween finery, and several Brothers are planning on handing out candy on Halloween, along with the Rainbow Girls. This is a great way to bring the community to our doors! We will confer the Master Mason degree on Bro. Tim Cavanaugh during our November meeting. Our meeting also falls very near to Veteran’s Day, so we will take the opportunity to recognize and honor those who serve or served our great country in the armed forces. Come share your experiences! Laura and I wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. Each and every day is a gift from the creator of the universe in some way, shape or form; even if that form is sometimes hidden from our eyes it registers in our heart. We give thanks for the gifts of friendship and brotherly love, which are not hidden from Masons. Fraternally, Bro. Eric B. Ross Worshipful Master, Franklin #20
AuthorMonthly Message from Master of Franklin Lodge #20 Archives
February 2023
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