Wardens and Brethren –
I am glad to report all is going well with Franklin Lodge. We have had a productive time as we resumed labor after our summer hiatus, and we have a lot going on between now and the end of the year. Franklin took an opportunity to pay a fraternal visit to our brothers across the border at Coastal #57, and we were fortunate to see them conduct the EA degree for three new brothers. Franklin was well represented by 11 brothers, including our FC – it was great to see how Connecticut presents the degree and to share in the friendship and brotherly love of the craft. The Music on Elm night was successful in raising much needed funds for the Foundation. Thank you to those who donated their time, effort and money. We have awarded one scholarship from the Edward L. Duhamel Scholarship fund, to Mr. Fred Wright. Stay tuned as we make arrangements with Mr. Wright to present the award in person. He was the only applicant the committee had to consider – make sure you spread the word among those who are eligible. There is usually approximately $2500 available to award to those who complete the application process. Thanks to the efforts of several motivated brothers, Franklin will march in the Columbus Day parade. We will be in Division 5, mustering at Narragansett and Ward Ave at 1230. Dress for officers is tux, apron and jewel; brothers are to wear suit and apron. We have my necessary minimum to march now, but I would like to see as many brothers participate as possible – this is a very public showing for our lodge. Contact Bro. Dan ([email protected]) if you plan on marching. We have one vehicle now, we can get more if the thought of marching three miles is too much to bear….. Finally, please make note of the Special Ladies luncheon on October 23 at Richmond Country Club. This event is our way of paying a small measure of respect to the wives of the brothers who have passed to the celestial lodge above. Tickets are available from our website (http://www.franklin20.org/) under the “Store” tab. Anyone can attend. There is a nice lunch and short program, plus the benefit of knowing you may have made someone’s day just a bit brighter . Fraternally, Bro. Eric B. Ross Worshipful Master, Franklin #20
AuthorMonthly Message from Master of Franklin Lodge #20 Archives
February 2023
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