Wardens and Brethren,
It’s amazing how time flies during a year. It just hit me that I only have a few months left of my term. I honestly must say that I have enjoyed my time in the east. Unfortunately though, I will not be presiding over our October meeting. I am scheduled to have back surgery the day before, so I am handing over the craft to Brother Senior Warden Joe Giancaspro for the night. I am confident that he will execute the work of the evening flawlessly. Last month we accomplished a lot of work and business at our meeting. For those who had missed it, Most Worshipful Grand Master Peter Iacobucci and Past Grand Master Richard Ault presented W.: Bob Raby with his Grand Master’s Award via skype video call. It was a tremendous amount of fun and MWGM thinks it’s the first virtual presentation, at least in our jurisdiction. Last month, the By-Laws committee presented Franklin with their proposed by-laws, and after discussion, we have moved it forward to vote upon in October’s meeting. As a reminder, any changes to our bylaws needed to have due notice and be recorded in the previous meetings minutes to vote on them, which they have been. They also require two-thirds majority to carry. My thanks once again goes out the committee for the tremendous amount of work put forth. Finally, our work for the evening will be the EA proficiency, followed by the FC degree on our three candidates. With me not going to be available that night, I know this has put some added pressure on our officer line, but I know they will give our candidates a great degree. I am still hoping that I can make it to the meeting in some way, to support our brethren, our lodge and our candidates. Fraternally and Respectfully, Bro. Ralph E. Brunson Master Franklin Lodge #20
AuthorMonthly Message from Master of Franklin Lodge #20 Archives
February 2023
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