Greetings from the West!
As we move into fall Franklin Lodge’s candidates have been passed to the degree of Fellow Craft with a special thank you to Worshipful Jim Halderman and the brethren of Hope Lodge. W:. Jim and his lodge did an amazing job and the candidates were treated with the long form of the Fellow Craft degree, which really isn’t done as much in any lodge any more. Congratulations to our candidates for taking their next step in Freemasonry. So here we are in October already, I’m always amazed on how quick the Masonic year seems to fly by. Even though I haven’t been as active this year as I hoped to be due to the birth of my son and conflict at work, I am still dedicated to Franklin and the Craft. I have been busy planning for another year in the east for potential programs and more importantly degrees for incoming candidates. Next year is going to be about the candidate experience. As I have been thinking on how we as a Lodge can do more to keep our candidates and newly made brethren to keep coming to Lodge, one challenge has come up. As of this writing Franklin is facing an issue with filling the roles for officers within the Lodge. I believe each chair is crucial to the lodge and our candidates learning and growing experience in Freemasonry. So, I am asking that any brother who wishes to help Franklin Lodge and the Craft grow, please reach out to me. There are a couple key positions that Franklin needs to continue the growth of our candidates and our lodge. My contact information will be listed below. Finally, as I have been planning 2020, I have also been planning the Southern Masonic District’s Annual Winter Warmer. I have very pleased to announce that it will be help on Saturday February 1st, 2020 at the Downey Weaver Post in Charlestown. Cocktail hour at 5pm, with dinner at 6pm with raffles and auction to follow. Tickets can be purchased through or via contacting me directly. For those planning on attending, if within the length of your cable tow, please bring a gift basket or item for the silent auction or raffle. Fraternally, Ralph Brunson P.M. Senior Warden [email protected] 401-644-4525 .
Welcome back! As you hear in every September message, I hope that you enjoyed and/or had a very productive summer. Are you ready to get back into the swing of things? We have three EA’s that are looking forward to their FC degree, on to being Master Masons and then members of our lodge. So Brothers, we have work to do. Speaking of being busy, it was great to hear from W. Brother Gregg Gingerich. He was installed as Worshipful Master of Barrington Lodge #522, Illinois back in July. Check out their website Great pictures! He stated that he did have to step down as 2nd NE District Education Officer so that he could focus on the business of the lodge. They are pretty busy. If anyone ever wants a place to stay while in the Chicago area, please reach out to him. W. Brother Ray Geer just completed his year as President of the National Camping Travelers Club! Wow did that go by quickly. Congratulations on a job well done! For those that didn’t know, W. Br. Ray was recently installed as AGL for Franklin Lodge. I guess now that the business running a National Masonic Camping club is behind him he can focus his attention elsewhere. And a job well done to W. Br. Brett Marggraff and Br. Bob Caron who manned the Franklin Lodge booth at Westerly's 350th anniversary celebration in Wilcox park. It was wonderful that we had representation for this occasion. RW Eric Grist stopped in for an assist. Thank you Brother! Hope Mitchell PM. and Arielle Poulin WM were also there to represent Deborah Chapter OES and Westerly Assembly IORG. It sounds like it was a good day indeed. And no, I don’t think that is what we are having for dinner. :-) Daniel Rzewuski, PM Secretary |
AuthorMonthly Message from Master of Franklin Lodge #20 Archives
February 2023
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