Wardens and Brethren,
I hope everyone has been keeping safe and healthy. I was really hoping to have a physical lodge meeting for June, but as of this writing the sanctions set by the Governor and the Grand Master have not been lifted yet. Speaking of the Grand Master, it was quite interesting to view Most Worshipful Grand Master Gary Kaufman installed via zoom. I have all the faith in our Grand Master that he will lead us forward through these trying times just as MW Ken Poyten has. Most Worshipful Gary has set forth a set of guidelines in his Grand Master's Protocol which has a few new takeaways. I Sent it out via the Franklin Google Group and would advise all to give it a read though. Like every month, we will still be opening at the usual time of 7pm, I would encourage all to join the zoom meeting 10-15 minutes early. The work of the evening will be a brief discussion on the coming months of Franklin Lodge as well as a presentation by Masonic artist Ryan J. Flynn, called "The Path of the Craftsman” - The Middle Chamber lecture is one of the most misunderstood pieces of Masonic Ritual. When we look at it in a symbolic light, we can discover specific instructions on how to approach life in a manner that generates direction and growth. Together we will go through these philosophical lessons hinted at in the Middle Chamber lecture and discuss how we can apply these lessons into our own lives and grow as Masons. Due to the nature of this discussion of this presentation, it is restricted to FC and MM. May the Blessings of Heaven rest upon us, Ralph Brunson Master Franklin Lodge #20
Wardens and Brethren,
As we head into another month of social distancing, I hope all are healthy and safe. I honestly don’t really care for the term “social distancing”, during this time we really shouldn't be socially distant, just physically distant. Freemasonry doesn’t work without being social. Holding meetings virtually, calling, texting, emailing, and using one of the many forms of social media is a great way for us to still talk with the brethren. Those are just some of the forms that we can physically distance ourselves but still not be socially distant. Last month, we held our first zoom meeting, and first I want to thank all the brethren who attended. It was great to see the brethren again. It was my goal to run the meeting as close as a normal in lodge meeting goes and I think it went pretty well. This month we will be holding our stated communication virtually again via zoom. The zoom meeting information will be emailed out and attached to the monthly notice. I hope to see more brethren join us this month, and as a reminder we will be opening on our normal day and time, Tuesday May 12, 7pm. This month's program will be presented by RW Brother Michael Jarzabek, a member of several lodges including Ezekiel Bates Lodge in Massachusetts. His program is titled “The Mason with a Thousand Faces”. This talk is inspired by Joseph Campbell’s 1949 book, “The Hero with a Thousand Faces.” As such it is an exploration of: the various stages of the Hero’s Journey, its mythological roots, Masonic exemplifications, and the practical application of this useful art by the contemplative man. I hope to see everybody in lodge for what is going to be a great program and a great night of brotherhood. May the Blessings of Heaven rest upon us, Ralph Brunson Master Franklin Lodge #20 |
AuthorMonthly Message from Master of Franklin Lodge #20 Archives
February 2023
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